Travel Inspirations & Experiences

Rwanda : la possibilité d’un pays

envieMind blowing

C’est un petit pays de l’Afrique des grands lacs

Dîner-balade sur les traces de Kessel et Nerval avec Olivier Weber ! – 10 octobre


MyMoonSpots is
a Travel Store.

Capucine Graby, journalist, has shaped MyMoonSpots to deliver the best of what she’s experienced firsthand. MyMoonSpots analyzes the best in hotels combined with the autonomy of a traveler and the rigorous exigency of a journalist. Luxury off the beaten path does exist. For years, this journalist has been tracking down all her escapades. The locations that you confide in, she’s loved them all. All are subjugated for their charm and refinement, the atmosphere that emerges from extraordinary personalities that lie behind these unique hidden gems.


Olivier Morin, photographer, surfer in frozen water

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